
Blade Slope Sensor


  1. Press “€œMenu“€
  2. Select “€œCalibrate Sensors“€ and press “€œOK“€
  3. Select “€œBlade angle sensor-Slope“€ and then press “€œOK“€
  4. Level the Blade and enter 0% for Measured blade slope
  5. Press “€œF6“€ to Calibrate
  6. Press “€œESC“€ twice to return to the operating screen” 

Blade Pitch Sensor

” ” 

  1. Find a flat surface
  2. Select “€œBlade angle sensor-Pitch“€ or Blade pitch sensor and press “€œOK“€
  3. With the Blade level (same level as Grouser Pads) track forward 15-20ft (This is to allow pitch buffering to establish a flat plane)
  4. Enter 0“° under Measured left mast pitch
  5. Press “€œF6“€ to Calibrate
  6. Press “€œESC“€ twice to return to the operating screen

*Pro Tip: You will know you have completed this correctly by checking that the Grade does not change when switching between Auto and Manual.


Mainfall, Blade Slope & Rotation Sensors

  1. Press “€œMenu“€
  2. Select “€œCalibrate Sensors“€ and Press “€œOK“€
  3. Select “€œMainfall, Blade Slope, Rotation Sensors“€ and Press “€œOK“€ (Note: Once selected, the Control Box will prompt a list of instructions that need to be followed)
  • Park on a smooth hard surface.
  • Remove wheel-lean and articulation.
  • Center the A-frame and blade.
  • Rotate the circle to square the blade.
  • Position blade on the ground.
  • Mark blade and tire positions as shown
  • *When setting the blade on the ground, Use the “€œFloat Function”€


  1. Press “€œF6“€ to go to the next screen “€œAlign Blade“€ here it will prompt you to lift the blade and rotate the machine 180″° and set the blade on the marks as shown using the float function.” 

  1. Press “€œF6“€ to go to the next screen “€Align Wheels“€ here will prompt you to lift the blade and roll forward to the wheel marks previously marked. You will again set the blade on the ground using the float function.


  1. Press “€œF6“€ to go to the next screen
  2. Press “€œF6“€ again to Finish


Blade Pitch Sensor” 


  1. Select “€œBlade pitch sensor“€ and press “€œOK“€
  2. Plumb the mast on the side with the “€œBlade Pitch Sensor“€ with a smart level and Press “€œF6“€ to Calibrate
  3. Press “€œESC“€ twice to return to the main operating screen.